Nitro Blog

Turbocharged Insights for Lightning-Fast Website Monetization

Nitro Blog - Turbocharged Insights for Lightning-Fast Website Monetization
News Round-up: Sustainability Messaging, VAST Support, & More

News Round-up: Sustainability Messaging, VAST Support, & More

Sustainability Messaging for Advertisers MarTech Series’ latest insights article discusses the benefits for advertisers to “include sustainability into their messaging in a way that is consistent with their fundamental brand values and advantages.” This statement is based on customer concerns regarding sustainability, arguing that these types of messages are highly

In-stream vs Out-stream: Pros, Cons, and Changes

In-stream vs Out-stream: Pros, Cons, and Changes

In-stream and out-stream video are the most common types of digital video advertising. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, from the way that these ads are served to how well they engage with an audience. In-stream Video Ads In-stream video ads are played before, during, or after a piece

Publisher Advantages in Seasonal Trends

Publisher Advantages in Seasonal Trends

Without fail each year, seasonal trends will impact a publisher’s ad revenue. As specific holidays or events roll around, it’s important to ensure that your website is optimized to take advantage of these trends. What happens during seasonal upticks? Different seasons and events attract different audiences, and impacts

Publisher Onboarding: From Scraping to Bidding

Publisher Onboarding: From Scraping to Bidding

When publishers first come on board with any adtech company, there are several steps that take time as everything is put into place. One major factor in this process is that advertising bidders first need to scrape ads.txt files to determine authorized sellers of inventory on the publisher’s

January 2023 Newsletter: Ad Rates and Revenue

January 2023 Newsletter: Ad Rates and Revenue

The NitroPay team spent the first week of January speaking to vendors, potential advertisers, and other publishers at CES. Along with more revenue opportunities for our publishers in the coming months, it was a good chance to talk with industry colleagues about how things are looking in Q1 2023. We