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Video Ads vs Display Ads

Video Ads vs Display Ads

In the adtech world, publishers have a lot of choice when it comes to advertising unit options. While you can’t go wrong choosing one over the other, both video and display ad types have benefits that make them potentially lucrative to use together.

Video Ads

Video ads are a form of digital advertising that contains video inside a banner ad unit format. These ads increase a publisher’s pool of advertising inventory. Optimizing, yet not overloading, your website to include video ad unit options will increase revenue. This type of advertising trends with higher engagement rates, making it a favorable format for advertisers. With higher engagement comes higher revenue for publishers as well. 

Video ads appeal to visitors through their visuals, movement, and sound. For advertisers, this allows for a deeper connection than a typical display ad offers. Advertisers build on the brand’s message through storytelling elements. The more unique a video ad is, the more likely it will snag your visitors’ attention. 

Don’t want sound on your video ads? Not a problem. NitroPay can run video ads with the sound disabled.

Display Ads

Display ads, or banner ads, utilize imagery to attract a visitor’s attention. These ads may have some text or animation, but it tends to be minimal. A well-optimized website using display ads can lead to a steady stream of revenue for a publisher. Display ads run well anywhere on your website, though they yield the best results on high-traffic pages. 

There are many display ad format options to choose from, allowing publishers to customize for what works best with their website as well as mobile viewports. Using sticky ads will keep the unit on the page as your visitor scrolls. Lazy loading display ads help with your website’s load times, lowering bounce rates and thus increasing revenue.

You Don’t Have to Choose: Use Both!

Both video ads and display ads have benefits that give publishers resources to earn more revenue from their website. Publishers can further optimize these earnings by employing an optimized combination of the two types of ads.