Nitro Blog

Q3 2022 Newsletter: Video, Subscriptions, Q4 Prep, & First-Party Data

Q3 2022 Newsletter: Video, Subscriptions, Q4 Prep, & First-Party Data

Compared to 2020 and 2021, we hope everyone had a much smoother first half of the year. We’ve seen ad rates continue to do well despite some market fluctuations, which is a positive despite the looming threat of potential recession. 

It’s been incredibly busy here at the NitroPay compound. We managed to completely skip the Q2 newsletter, so this is an extra juicy Q3 version just for you. Today we want to hit on a number of topics including video, subscriptions, first party data, and prep for Q4. If you have any questions about anything listed, don’t hesitate to email us or send us a note on Discord/Slack/Intercom. Let’s get rolling.


We’ve enabled some additional outstream video demand to bid 300×250 sized units on your pages. These will look almost exactly like your existing 300×250 units, but should have a much higher CPM without impacting performance. 

If you do not already have 300×250 sizes on your site, I would recommend enabling those now to take advantage of this change.


Our subscription product, Sponsor, has now been thoroughly tested and we are ready for all of our sites to start taking advantage of this system if you haven’t done so already. If you have had an interest in setting up a Patreon-style system on your site and want to avoid sending users to a non-branded entity that’s not a part of your ecosystem, we have this ready for you to work on today. 

If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out to your account managers. 

First-Party Data  

In preparation for the post-cookie world, we’re working on getting our first-party data integrations set up and ready to roll. This system is now officially in a beta testing phase and we’d love folks to try things out so we are ready to roll for 2023. 

To activate first-party data, most of these data integrations rely on syncing your existing users to internal databases to continue to run relevant ads. We’ve gone ahead and created an API connection that allows this to work and can be found in the API documentation on our platform. However, we would like to hear from you prior to going live so we can watch over things and make sure it’s working properly.

Q4 Prep

As a final piece of information, we’d love to have conversations with anyone that’s looking to do optimizations or final checks before we move into Q4. Like we’ve mentioned before, rates continue to remain strong so any improvements you can make to viewability, ad placements, features, or anything else are always good going into the final quarter of the year.

That’s it! As always, if you need any additional information or have any questions, please email us.