Nitro Blog

Publisher Newsletter: Updates; New Features & Programs

Publisher Newsletter: Updates; New Features & Programs

We want to give everyone a quick update on everything that we’ve been working on here at NitroPay since our last newsletter. It’s a lot, and we are excited to get your feedback on some newer implementations.

Ad Market Update

Prior to that, however, we want to do a quick check-in on the advertising market and how things have been progressing this year. 2023 deviated from the last three years and maintained a relatively flat CPM rate going into mid-May, but then hit an uptick in rates. This was our average network rate, so bear that in mind if you’re looking at CPMs for your sites. 

The remainder of 2023 is a bit of a mystery. Ad rates are tied very closely to the money markets, so if we start to see any downturns due to debt ceiling issues or another outbreak of geo-political violence, we may have some bigger dips going into the mid-year. Q4 should remain strong, but it’s hard to predict.

Desktop App Ads (BETA)

If you’re running a site with a standalone desktop application of some variety, we now have a way for you to take advantage of display and video advertising in your desktop app. This was a big lift by the team on our side, so if you have space available and you aren’t a part of a larger app ecosystem (like Overwolf or something along those lines) we can absolutely monetize your space.

If you’re interested in implementing these, the process is still fairly custom, so reach out to either of the Matts or Cody to get the instructions.

Rewarded Video (BETA)

For those websites that have gameplay elements or require that a user interact with the page in some way (wait for a timer or something along those lines), we now support Rewarded Video advertisements. These typically have a higher CPM than standard video ads as the users are 100% going to engage with them prior to receiving whatever reward you’ve determined. 

Similarly to the Desktop App Ads, please reach out to customer support to get info on this setup.

Google Certified Publishing Partner Program

After a long probationary period, NitroPay has been accepted into Google’s GCPP program. This doesn’t have a major impact or change to our Google ads that we serve, but it is a validation of our adherence to quality standards that Google upholds on their end. You’ll start to see a bit more NitroPay branding on Google’s various ad services and lists when they start the co-marketing update on their side. 

NitroPay Sponsor and Subscription Program

This isn’t a new feature, but we have gone through a vast amount of testing and updates in the past few months, so if you’re interested in diving into getting subscriptions set up for your users, now is the time.

That’s it! As always, if you need any additional information or have any questions, please email us.