Nitro Blog

October 2020 Newsletter

October 2020 Newsletter

Happy Q4 everyone! We are in the home stretch for the year and things are ramping up like they normally do. Overall ad industry revenue is trending a bit lower than it has previous years, but higher than our expectations were earlier in the year when Covid-19 first hit the global economy. However, Q4 looks to be finishing strong into 2021.

We’re writing today to cover three main topics – ad block mitigation via the Acceptable Ads program, referrals, and video revenue.

Ad Block Mitigation

While we started this discussion late last year, we are finally ready to work with all of our publishers that are interested in earning revenue from Ad Block Plus users. Essentially, we are working with Eyeo (the makers of Ad Block Plus) to run a subset of ads to their AB+ users that fit the Acceptable Ads criteria. Users must be opted in to the program – this is not something that is forced on a user in any way. As always, please reach out to Matt or Cody to start the process.


We have mentioned this before, be we have an active referral program running with our publishers. If you know anyone that is looking for advertising or upgrading their ad tech, please make an introduction and you will earn a % of the first month’s earnings of the publisher you introduce. That’s all you need to do – just make sure you give the NitroPay staff a heads up that you made the introduction.

Video Revenue

Our video revenue through our partnerships has continued to far exceed our expectations. We are consistently seeing CPMs above $10, and publishers running video are often earning more from their video placements than they are from AdX and any of our standard banner partners. There are multiple different placement types available – from static slots that fit a 300×250 to a sliding player – and if you’re at all interested in this, let us know.

Everything Else

The rest of our tech is still available for those that are interested – from subscriptions to autoinserting ad placements in articles. Now is a great time to ask if you have any thoughts about your current placements types.

That’s it! If you have any other questions or are curious about anything else we have going on, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact us at [email protected] and [email protected].