Nitro Blog

October 2019 Newsletter

October 2019 Newsletter

Hey guys – 

It’s time again for an update on what’s been going on here at NitroPay since our last newsletter. 

First and foremost I’d like to introduce myself, my name is Matthew Dartez and I’m the newest member of the NitroPay family. I’ll be working very closely with Cody Bye and the rest of the team and I’m excited to work with you all to improve your sites and guide the development of our project to best fit your needs. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact me through any of my contact information listed. I am always available and urge you all to make use of that. Well, let’s get started.

A big area of improvement that we’re excited to flesh out further is our Sponsor product. This is aimed directly at sites with existing login systems, to give users the option to pay a subscription to avoid ads. If you feel that you fit this mold please reach out to us as we’d love to get the ball rolling on implementing this on more sites.

Also on the agenda are some updates to our existing panels and ad placement setup. We are working on adding the functionality to filter ad placements based on device type. This setting can increase viewability, and as we’ve spoken on before viewability is an important metric that drives a major part of revenue. There are a couple important thresholds for viewability at 50% and 75%. We’ve noticed that cresting these amounts leads to greater revenue.

Another area that has seen improvement is our Report Builder. You now have the ability to track ad impression viewability by percentage and view time in seconds. Also we have added the ability to group your report by device type, so you can easily see how your mobile placements are performing compared to your desktop placements. Exciting stuff and very useful for improvements.

 We’re also adding in some functionality to organizations, allowing them to better manage the users that fill their ranks. We’ll have more information on that in the coming weeks. 

Finally, we have made some improvements to our Campaign system and an update of the UI for that is in the pipeline. Stay tuned for more.

That’s all for now and as always we would like to extend a thank you to everyone who has been with us, either newly on board or since the beginning. We’re growing steadily and as always are driven to help you guys succeed. If you need any assistance or have any questions feel free to contact myself or Cody Bye, feel free to take advantage of our availability and hit us up on any of our contacts.

Til next time!