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NitroPay Holiday Wrap-up Newsletter

NitroPay Holiday Wrap-up Newsletter

Happy Holidays from the NitroPay team!

What a year! To start, the team and I want to thank every one of our clients—old and new alike—for joining us and making NitroPay the best holistic revenue platform for website publishers in the industry. No other ad tech provider puts as much power into the hands of website owners, and our trust in you and your talent has led to the full launch of a whole range of features in 2022. These include introducing our first-party data SDK (more on that below), in-stream video, in-banner video, NitroPay’s Sponsor product (subscriptions), and additional placement features. 

But we managed to squeeze in one more before the holiday break!

Introducing Outstream Video

Last year we introduced our in-stream player, which required a static placement on the page before the video would move to a floating position and also required video content to play between the ads. With the introduction of outstream video, we now have an always-floating video unit that does not require any video content and simply sits on the lower right of the page, floating with the user.

Many of you requested this in the past year, and we’re very excited to get this rolled out prior to 2023. You can find outstream video in the placement builder. Feel free to ask us if you have any questions.

First-Party Data SDK and NitroPay Users

Earlier in 2022, we made the announcement that we now have a first-party data SDK available that allows website publishers to integrate their existing user information into our ad system. This allows for advertisers to better match your users with relevant advertisements without the need for third-party cookies. On the sites that are already opted into the program, users that log-in to their sites typically see 10%–15% higher CPMs. 

With Google sunsetting third-party cookies by the end of 2024, this initiative will be even more important. We definitely encourage you to think of your integration efforts sooner rather than later—you have time, but you will likely see more revenue opportunities with first-party data. 

Additionally, if you don’t have an existing user login system, feel free to reach out to our team. We have a NitroPay User system we’re happy to work with you to get both the SDK and user logins set up for your site.

Q1 2023 and Seasonality

For those of you who have been running ads for more than a year, you’re aware of the seasonality that comes with advertising—our best months are in Q4 and the worst are in Q1. The threat of recession has made this particular Q4 much flatter than expected, and we anticipate that Q1 will also be hit hard by the economic downturn. 

January and February are traditionally low-earning months in the industry, but the start of 2023 may be hit particularly hard. As always, we are here to answer questions about anything you are concerned about, and we’re happy to do ad optimizations or assessments at any time. 

Thank you all for being wonderful clients and partners. We wish you and yours the very best for the rest of this year and look forward to working with everyone in 2023! Happy Holidays!

  • Cody and the NitroPay team