Nitro Blog

May 2020 Newsletter

May 2020 Newsletter

Hey folks – To start, we hope you and your families are safe. Nothing is more important than your health, so we hope you’re managing to weather this storm. Second, we have a couple of short but important topics to cover.

User Consent Updates

A few months back, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect. We adopted and developed our own consent string for this (shown here : ). We strongly encourage all of our publishers to check this out and adopt it to your existing privacy policy and consent setup. Not doing this step will lead to missing revenue as some bidders will not pay for California traffic that is missing this consent.

In the same vein of consent and regulations, we want to touch on the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and some updates there. As most of you are already aware, this is a requirement for your EU users’ consent, but you are now required to include a link to the preferences page within your privacy policy. The documentation for this can be found here: If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us via email or our Intercom portal on the dashboard.

This is a new change and lines up with our soon-to-be fully released Consent Management Platform (CMP) which will be fully compliant with the EU Internet Advertising Bureau’s TCF v2.0 updates. It’s in the final stages of testing and will be seamlessly built to your sites, so look forward to that.

Invalid Traffic Deductions

One of our core values is transparency, and we don’t want to obfuscate any information regarding your revenue or performance. To further this value, we will be displaying any Invalid Traffic (IVT) deductions that we receive. These will be shown on your dashboard and applied against your earnings.

We wish to provide visibility to these deductions so that publishers can find and correct any potential causes of IVT and to provide you full transparency into what’s happening to your revenue.

Full Release of Sponsor

On a final note, our Sponsor product is officially in the wild and we are eagerly looking for new adopters. If you have an existing user system, Sponsor can hook into that seamlessly and provide the ability for your users to subscribe and remove ads. If you have any questions regarding Sponsor or if you’re interested in integrating and amping up your monetization, send us an email or contact us through our Intercom portal on the dashboard and we can get you started today.

That’s all for now folks, stay safe!