Nitro Blog

January 2020 Newsletter

January 2020 Newsletter

Hey guys,

With 2019 coming to a close and the new decade upon us, we just wanted to take a second to thank you all for using NitroPay. We hope 2019 treated you well and we look forward to working with you all in 2020 and beyond.

With the new year comes the turbulent time of post-holiday seasonality. What this means is a drop in RPM and CPM across the board. The numbers shown on our dashboard are exact reported revenue from our publishers, so a large drop is expected. We believe it will stabilize in the months to come. Google has written up a helpful primer on seasonality, what it means and how to best use it to your advantage, you can read that here :


Also coming up is the deadline for CCPA compliance. Our implementation for this is completed, you can find directions for use here :

We urge you all to implement this as soon as possible. Failure to be compliant will result in a loss of revenue for California users, and expose your business to any/all legal remedies available to users within the CCPA.

We have a lot more in store for you guys in 2020 and we’re excited for the future.

Happy New Year and all the best,

The NitroPay Team