Nitro Blog

End of 2020 Newsletter - Service Agreement Update

End of 2020 Newsletter - Service Agreement Update

2020 is almost over – time to celebrate the end of this crazy year! We have a few pieces of housekeeping to go through to tighten things heading into 2021, primarily an update to our Service Agreement, Q1 seasonality and new takeover placement options for your sites.

Service Agreement Update

We are doing a general update to our Service Agreement. At the core, none of the main terms (payment schedule, revenue share, contract length) are changing. There is more legal language in this version, as we’ve onboarded a new legal team to tighten up our contracts, but we directed them to keep our core terms in place. You can see the new version here.

Please take a few minutes and read through the new agreement. This will be going live in the next few weeks.

Q1 2021 Seasonality

As happens every year in January, we fully expect to see a continued increase in CPMs and RPMs throughout December followed by a heavy downswing at the start of the next month. This is referred to as “seasonality” in the advertising world and reflects marketing budgets resetting at the start of the year.

This year’s Q1 2021 might be impacted a bit more heavily than normal if Covid-19 continues its upward trend in the US and the rest of the world in December, so prepare to see a very volatile January. We will be available for any questions – like always – throughout the month if we need to make any changes. I’d encourage everyone to talk with us about viewability improvements or other placement options if you have any concerns about upcoming revenue.

Site Takeovers and Skins

As we expand our direct sales team, we are also enabling a few new placement options for publishers to take advantage of. These include site skins and takeovers – essentially very big units that are “high impact” but are a bit more disruptive to the user experience.

If you would like to explore site skins and takeovers, please let Cody ([email protected]) or Matt ([email protected]) know.

That’s it! We are definitely thankful for every one of you and the efforts you’ve made over the last few months to continue to drive up viewability and revenue. We love working with you all, and we’re excited to see what we can do in the new year!